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The Art Gallery
What if ?
This painting came from an ideal, what if lions had spots? It expanded into what if other animals had different patterns. Also what if the grass was blue and the sky was green.
This is a story about a little boy who's prohibited from playing in the living room. He decides to go in the living room anyway and play with toys that come to life.
Sumthin New - Old.
This is my first perspective painting that came from a dream. You're sitting in a room with an old floor and paint is spilled on the floor to make it look new. The picture on the wall is a painting of the room.
Title: Seasons
I was coming from out of town and remember this view from the sky. I was effected what I saw and chose to create all four seasons in one painting.
Title: Eazy Breezy
An abstract painting of a duck taking it easy on a breezy day.
Title; Drinks
Title: Promise Land
This Indian Chief is looking at land that was promise to him.
The ancient Egyptians were extremely creative in their era. I've put their lifestyle in our modern era.
Title; Michael Jackson on stage
Title: Michael Jackson Billie Jean.
Title; Helpless
A couple is walking on a runway stage and the woman falls into the man arms becoming "Helpless'. Whatever touches the stage turns solid. Also the doves see the light and freedom.
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